Press Club announces 2013 Touchstone speaker

jim_tankersleyThe Press Club of Toledo annually recognizes newsmakers and news breakers in the Northwest Ohio region through the prestigious Touchstone Awards.

This year’s ceremony will take place on October 3 at The Toledo Club. The Press Club is proud to announce our featured speaker will be Jim Tankersley, Economic Policy Correspondent for The Washington Post. He previously worked at The Blade, the Rocky Mountain News and The Oregonian.

Tankersley and a colleague at The Blade won the 2007 Touchstone Livingston Award for Young Journalists for their “Business as Usual” series of stories revealing the true roots of Ohio’s economic decline. He was also part of the “Coingate” team at the The Blade that was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. Tankersley is an Oregon native and 2000 graduate of Stanford University.

The Press Club is in the process of planning and scheduling the 2013 Touchstone Awards. If you are interested in how to nominate an individual for a Touchstone award or how to be a sponsor, please email

Meet & Greet Mixer: May 16

PressClubMixerInviteLearn about upcoming networking, professional development and social events at The Press Club of Toledo Meet and Greet Mixer on May 16, 2013.

The Mixer takes place at La Scola Italian Grill, located at 5375 Airport Hwy in Toledo, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Both members and potential members welcome and there’s no cost to attend–just your own drinks!

Be sure to bring your business card for a prize raffle. To RSVP, email