The best in journalism and contributions to our community will be honored at the 19th annual Press Club of Toledo Touchstone Awards.
Please join us on Thursday, October 19 at The Toledo Club (235 14th St.). Cocktails and grazing will begin at 5:30pm, before the 7:15pm program.
Our featured speaker for the 2017 Touchstones will be Rob Powers, WEWS-TV News Anchor in Cleveland.
Categories for 2017 mark the best in print, broadcast and electronic communication.
Plus, it’s a great chance to recognize some of the shining stars in this community.
The Excellence in Journalism categories:
Print (Daily)
Print (Non-Daily)
Print (Student)
Broadcast (Television)
Broadcast (Radio)
Broadcast (Student TV/Radio)
Digital Media (Blogs, websites, podcasts, etc.)
Golden Touchstone (Lifetime Achievement in Journalism)
The Excellence in Service Categories:
Touchstone Contributor Award
Touchstone Lifetime Award
Ticket Prices:
$75 Non-member
$65 Press Club member
$45 Student
$450 Table of 6
To charge tickets online, visit
For more details, please email or call Shaun Hegarty at 419-265-9138.