Pressing Issues Forum: Fake News

Pressing Issues Forum

The Press Club is hosting a Pressing Issues forum on Friday, February 24 from 9-10:30 a.m. focusing on the topic of “Fake News: It’s Real, It’s Here, And Journalists and Communication Professionals Alike Have To Deal With It.” The FREE forum will consist of four panelists who specialize in different areas of media including a digital media manager, assistant professor of journalism, news director and editorial page and associate editor.

Event Details: 

The forum will be hosted by the Toledo Lucas County Public Library, presented at the downtown library in the McMaster Family Center (325 N. Michigan Street) from 9-10:30 a.m. Moderated by Robert Bortel of the Press Club and Director of Student Media at Bowling Green State University, the forum will include presentations by each panelist, as well as Q&A.

How do we identify fake news from real news?

With social media becoming a major resource for breaking news, how do we determine what platforms are trustworthy? With the rise of the political climate during the presidential campaign in 2016, the lines became blurred on which stories were fact.

The Press Club of Toledo’s forum will provide the opportunity for open dialogue on the current and future climate of dependable news sources.

Tackling issues related to fake news are:

Keith Burris, Editorial Page and Associate Editor, The Blade
Anthony Knopps, News Director, WTOL & Fox 36 television
Rebecca Regnier, Digital Media Manager, WTVG-13 television
Saif Shahin, Assistant Professor of Journalism, Bowling Green State University

Pressing Issues Forums

The Press Club of Toledo’s ‘Pressing Issues’ forums are organized around topics driven by the news of the day. Panelists representing the newsroom, PR industry and digital communications offer advice surrounding issues in the media and invite audience response.